*Assignment for Twinkles A-B, (leftt hand).
Variations by Shinichi Suzuki.
Samantha's Bow |
Videos: (In addition to listening to your CD/iTunes.)
-Student: Samantha - Instructor: JF. Graham-Barnes
Twinkle C
Students at my studio had the joy of attending a Japan Fest in Atlanta, GA! Photos of this joyous event can be found in the Japanese Festival and Masterclass webpage of our studio gallery!
My student Robert Green and I had the opportunity to visit Japan for his participation in the 10 Piano Concert. To see photos, visit the following links to see some of the beauty that we saw while there!
Interesting History!
Coloring Book - Yaskue: Legend of the African Samurai Coloring Book
**When you have completed the assignment listed above and can successfully perform Twinkles A-B (left hand) in
Suzuki Bk 1, you have earned your clues for the Suzuki Letterbox! Ink and print your beautifully
carved stamp into the letterbox journal. There will be a stamp
in the letterbox to stamp into your Suzuki Book and the letterbox page of your Suzuki notebook. Enjoy one of the
treasure goodies that you find placed inside of the letterbox!
Letterbox clues: *Ask your teacher
Assignment blog post reviewed and updated: 4/10/22
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